Brian Richard Suttles, born 16 September 1978, passed from this Earth on 19 January 2023 after a long illness. He passed peacefully at home in his favorite chair.

Brian was preceded in death by his father Glen Suttles and his half-brother John Suttles. Brian was born in Zanesville, Ohio and passed while residing in St. Louis, Missouri.

Brian is survived by his mother Victoria Pennington, step-parent Dr. J.N. Markiel, his children Nathan Suttles and Sarah Dennis, grandson Ashton Dennis, cousin Heather Greene, and best friend Rocky Garrison.

Brian was an intelligent individual whose interests included astronomy, astrophysics, playing guitar, and building computers. He is dearly missed by those who loved him.

Like any human being Brian was not perfect in his life, but his love for friends, family, and especially his mother and children was evident over the several years prior to his death.

A family wake was held on February 1st, 2023 to celebrate his life. His children and close family attended to honor his passing.